Saturday, November 5, 2011

Spiritually; who is the 'second' Father?

The "Great Boundless" is the Absolute Creator called First Cause, Unborn, Father, and One Source. The Second Father is the Word that was with God (Source, First Cause), or the Light in "Let there be Light", or the Astral Light which stands and will stand, a male-female power, like the preexisting Boundless Power (consider: Darkness, male principle, hovered over the face of the Waters, female principle). It is both generative and destructive, light and dark.... "which has no beginning nor end, existing in oneness" or more precisely, "existing in the Divine Ideation before the Noumenal manifests as Phenomenal, it in oneness has no beginning or end. Yet it is birthed. "It was from this Boundless Power that thought, which had previously been hidden in oneness, first proceeded and became twain." This describes the appearance of Matter and the universe of thought. "became twain" = the dualistic nature of our thinking..... good, bad; happy, sad; dark, light; etc.

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